Hotel developments

What is The Perfect Blend of Luxury and Sustainability in the Hospitality industry?

In recent years, the concept of sustainable hospitality has gained significant traction, with more travelers seeking luxury experiences that are also environmentally and socially responsible. The perfect blend of luxury and sustainability in the sustainable hospitality industry represents a harmonious balance between opulence, emotions and conscious practices. In this article for LUSH, Hector de Castro breaks [...]

Why sustainable hotels are important for the community?

Photo: PPP, Tulum. According to Hotel Tech Report (2022), “a 2021 study found that 81% of travelers surveyed said they plan to choose a sustainable accommodation option in the coming year. The share of green-minded travelers has risen consistently over the past 6 years that the survey was conducted”. For LUSH, the Luxury Sustainable Hotels [...]

By |2022-12-30T07:45:45+00:00September 1st, 2022|Hotel developments, Hotels, People, Travel & lifestyle|0 Comments

Sustainable or Not: What really makes a Hotel Sustainable?

Tourism is one of the biggest industries on the planet. Whether a source of recreation for those wishing to de-stress from daily life or a source of livelihood it attracts and sustains millions. Contributing to a nearly 10.3% of global GDP in 2019, the industry is forecasted to grow despite the pre-pandemic dip to nearly [...]

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